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(714) 868-7475


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Office Address

5510 South Fort Apache Rd, Suite 487
Las Vegas, NV 89148

Telephone Number

(714) 868-7475


Preparing Your Pet for International Travel

Meet Sarah, a devoted pet owner who's planning to move to a new country with her furry friend, Max the dog. Sarah has researched the steps involved in preparing Max for international travel and wants to make sure she follows all the necessary procedures. Let's walk through the process together.

Step 1: Research Destination Requirements

Sarah begins her journey by researching the specific requirements for bringing Max to her new country. She checks the official government website to find out about pet export regulations, necessary vaccinations and any quarantine requirements. Each country has its own rules, so its crucial to get accurate information.

Step 2: Visit the Veterinarian

With the destination requirements in mind Sarah schedules an appointment with her veterinarian. She brings Max’s vaccination records and discusses the travel plans. The vet ensures Max is up to date on vaccinations. The vet will also administer additional vaccines required for travel. He will also ensure the pets have an ISO microchip at the time of the appointment.

Step 3: Paperwork and Documentation

Once Pets4Jets has confirmed Max travel date if you have ordered the crate from us, Sarah is sent the crate to make Max comfortable with the carrier.

Step 4: Paperwork and Documentation Including Health Certificate.

Sarah gathers all the necessary paperwork for Max Journey and takes him to the vets to get the International Health Certificate. This is then uploaded to the USDA for endorsement. She takes the following with her to the appointment.

  • ✓ Vaccines
  • ✓ Rabies Certificate
  • ✓ Import Permits

Step 5: Receiving USDA Office to Endorse

Sarah waits for the USDA office to endorse Max paperwork and to be sent back to her by priority mail.

Step 6: Final Preparations

As the travel date approaches Sarah ensures that Max is well groomed and clean. She makes sure the crate is built up and the live animal stickers are in place.

On the day of the trip, Pets4Jets team will arrive early to ensure a smooth check in.

With careful planning and attention to detail Sarah has successfully prepared Max for International Travel. Max safety, well being and compliance with destination regulations are her top priorities and she is confident they will both navigate this journey smoothly.

Remember the process may vary depending on the destination, so it is essential to do your own research and consult with Pets4Jets support team throughout the process to ensure a stress free and safe trip for your beloved pet.

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